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IWB-MACAO - International World Business Consultants is responsible for providing relevant and up-to-date information about various aspects of business development and market information for national and international companies. The international business consultant conveys information about foreign business investments, opportunities, competitive companies and even information about business practices and legal implications of owning a business in another country alone or in joint-venture.

IWB Macao Consultants may work for companies that are already in international markets or with companies that are planning international expansions or investments.

Most of the work will be researching various markets around the world and making researched based predications on the viability of those markets. Risk and business analysis is also part of the information that IWB Macao Consultants provide for their clients.

After completing research on the area including potential risks and profits the IWB Macao Consultants then proposes a recommendation to the company based on the research plus practical experience of the consultant.



  • IWBusiness Consulting is an independent consulting company specialising in oil & gas &  others development activities. It was founded in 2006 and has been building a solid reputation in oil and gas development work. Since then IWBusiness has carried out oil and gas projects in Timor Leste and others countries.
  • IWBusiness Consulting oil and gas has working in both the upstream and downstream part of the oil and gas industry.
  • IWBusiness Consulting is associates with reservoir and petroleum engineers, geophysicists, geologists, petrophysicists, chemical engineers and petroleum economists.